Buy like a guy
Ep 20: Are Diamonds a Bad Investment? Part 2
This the second half of a discussion I had with my friend and hero, Maarten de Witte, aka "The Diamond Wizard." He's a living legend in the diamond cutting world, and he decided to tackle the oft repeated (and crazy …
Ep 19: Are Diamonds a Bad Investment
So I ran across a video where the guy in the video said that engagement rings were a scam and a rip-off and I just had to address it. But rather then answer it myself I brought in an expert …
Ep 18: The 4 Cs of Diamonds: Exploring Clarity, Carat Weight, and the Most Important C of All
In this episode, we delve into the last two of the Four C's of diamond quality, Clarity and Carat weight. While the 4C's may seem boring, they play a significant role in determining the price you'll pay for a diamond, …
EP 17: Diamond Color Grades: Which is the Best "Color" for You?
Did you know when we're talking about the 'color grade' of a diamond, we're actually referring to the lack of color? Did you also know that the top grade a diamond can achieve is a 'D'? Did you further know …
Ep 16: How to Present a Gift You're 99.9% Sure She'll Love
So, what should you do when you've found the perfect gift for someone and the salesperson is assuring you that it's a no-brainer, or "she's gonna love it!" but you still have a little doubt? Too often, guys ruin the …
Ep 15: Unveiling a Diamond's Beauty: The Role of Choices and Talent in the Cutting Process
In this episode I'm going to explain why not all diamonds are cut for maximum fire, brilliance, and scintillation. I'll be talking a little about my quest to be a tennis pro, and how it relates to diamond cutting. Spoiler …
Ep 14: Diamond Cutting: Setting the Angel Free
In the last episode I discussed how “Cut is King” when it comes to diamonds, and how a better cut can make a diamond look brighter, bolder, bigger, and more beautiful. But what exactly are the visual properties that contribute…
Ep 13: Why Cut is King: The Magic Behind a Diamond's Sparkle
The way diamonds come out of the ground, (or growing chambers in the case of lab grown diamonds) is far different than what we see in jewelry stores, engagement rings or other fine diamond jewelry. Before they're cut, natural diamonds …
Ep 12: 6 Simple Questions That Make Choosing a Diamond Easy
This is the 2nd part of an interview I did with my friend Adam Fried, a third generation diamond professional who teaches me something every time we talk. We'll go a little more in depth about how the Cut of…
Ep 11: How Much Do You Really Need To Know to Buy Diamonds?
When you’re in the market for an engagement ring or other diamond jewelry it’s natural to do some research. The trouble is, there’s so much information, a guy can get stuck. So the big question is: how much do you …
Ep 10: Diamonds and Jewelry: The Best Investment You'll Ever Need
Jewelry is most often thought of as a luxury item, but I think people look at it the wrong way. I’m gonna get pretty deep in this episode, but I need to, because I think it’s the best investment you’ll…
Ep 9: The Four C's of Diamond Quality, And Why They Exist
You probably know a little about diamonds but in this episode I'll explain what "The Four C's" are, and why this scale exists. You might be surprised about what you should actually be looking for in your next diamond purchase…
Ep 8: How Much Should You Spend On An Engagement Ring?
One of the most common questions I get is, how much does an engagement ring cost? Or how much should I spend to get a decent ring? Now there is no single answer to that, but today I'll share some…
Ep 7: What Rare Bourbons Can Teach You About Buying Diamonds
In my quest to learn more about bourbons I recently ran into a scenario that I didn't think would happen to me that I think will be insightful to you. If you want to talk with me personally you can…
EP 6: The Greatest Gift Giving Secret in the World
What do you do when you ask her what she wants for her birthday, anniversary, or the Holidays, and she says, "Nothing." We've all been there, and it's a tough spot, but there IS an answer, and it's simple.
EP 5: The Top 5 Jewelry Gift Guide for Guys
What are the best jewelry gifts to get the person you love, no matter what the occasion? There are some fail safe jewelry gifts that you can literally know next to nothing about, and they'll be a slam dunk.
EP 4: One Thing You Should NOT Do When You're Buying Jewelry
Picking the "right" engagement ring or other fine jewelry can be unnerving as hell. Question start flooding your head…"what if she doesn't like it?" "Is it the right color?" “Is it big enough?”…
EP 3: Wishlist's are Gold, So Don't Screw It Up
In this episode I'll quickly explain what Wish Lists are, and why they're fool proof. (Unless you forget one simple rule!) If you want to talk with me personally you can email me at . I'll keep it simple so …
EP 2: What to do when she finds THE ring, and all eyes are on you!
You may be caught off guard when she finds her perfect ring, especially when there are sales associates involved. It feels like everyone wants you to make the next move, but what does that look like?
EP 1: How She'll Tell You Which RinG She Wants...Without Saying A Word
Sometimes it's not what she says, but what she doesn't say that matters. I’m going to tell you about something to watch for, and it's a dead give away that she found the ring she wants; the one you know she'll love.