EP 1: How She'll Tell You Which RinG She Wants...Without Saying A Word

Sometimes it's not what she says, but what she doesn't say that matters.  I’m going to tell you about something to watch for, and it's a dead give away that she found the ring she wants; the one you know she'll love.

If you want to talk with me personally you can email me at andy@buylikeaguy.com. I'll keep it simple so you can get the "right" ring, in budget, and be the hero she knows you are.

TL/DR?  Listen here!

Andy Koehn

Third generation jewelry store owner and creator of the Buy Like a Guy brand which includes a blog, podcasts and various social media platforms. (He says it like it is.)


EP 2: What to do when she finds THE ring, and all eyes are on you!