Ep 60: Timing the Knot: Navigating the Timelines of An Engagement Ring Purchase

In this episode I'm going to clue you in on something that I learned last week after talking with the girls here at the jewelry store.

First time listeners, if you don’t already know, I get a wealth of information about women from Lindsay, Susan, Kristyn, Katie, Morgan, Ali and my wife, Jenn. (Yes, I’m the only guy here.)

A guy came in to meet with Lindsay for the second time, to decide which engagement ring he was going to buy. He had a list of characteristics that he wanted to review, so he could propose with the “right” ring. While Lindsay thought he was coming in to get the ring he wanted to propose with, he had other ideas.

He came, talked, learned, and then made a decision about which ring he was going to get, and then he left...without a ring.

Which prompted me to ask this question: Does a guy have to feel ready to get engaged before he buys the ring? I don't think so...especially when you realize that the timelines of a woman who is looking for engagement rings is probably different from yours.

I learned that from Lindsay and the others when she said something like, “I don’t think guys realize that as soon as she starts talking about rings, or they go out and look at them together, she’s ready to get engaged.  She’s ready to accept that ring.”

I think that's some golden insight there, which is why I'm passing it on to you in this episode. Am I saying that because she’s ready, you need to "step up" and get her a ring and propose? Not at all.

You're part of the equation too, and sometimes I think people forget that. It can feel like it’s all about her, and of course it’s not…it’s about both of you. However, Lindsay's insight is really good to know if you’re ready to pop the question.

Why?  Because you know she’s going to say YES. If you’re ready to roll, and you want to ask her to marry you, and she’s been talking about rings, maybe you both went and looked at them together and you and your sales professional know what she’d prefer…you’re golden.

She’s ready. Get the ring and plan that proposal. She’s gonna say YES.

So what about my question as to whether or not you have to be ready to get engaged before you buy the ring? I fully believe you can buy the ring well before you’re ready to pop the question. Sounds far fetched? It's not. It’s been done before, and fairly often I might add.

Guys who do this have a great sense of relief and confidence because ring buying part of the process is over and done with. It’s kind of like booking and paying for a trip way ahead of time.  It takes a ton of pressure off.

I'll tell you a story about a guy who bought her engagement ring after the first date! It's a rarity I'll admit...but it's a cool story and I tell because it illustrates the point beautifully. The main thing to know is this: when your girl brings up the subject of rings, or you ask what kind of ring she’d like…and she shows you…and maybe you go a step further, and physically go to a jewelry store and “kick some tires” as they say, her timeline is very short from that moment on…even if yours is further on down the road.

That’s fine.  I’m not suggesting you need to propose on her timeline alone, but what I am suggesting is that it’s not unheard of to buy the ring you know she wants…and the one you want to give her…well before you have a planned proposal date. 

If you want to talk with me personally you can email me at andy@buylikeaguy.com. I'm happy to personally help you find the right jewelry for your special occasion, or put you in touch with a jewelry pro that's closer to home.

Music credits: Preacher Man by Miles Neilson and The Rusted Hearts, used with permission. A killer band with original songs that get stuck in your head.  They're awesome.

Listen To Preacher Man on Spotify.

TL/DR? Listen here!

Andy Koehn

Third generation jewelry store owner and creator of the Buy Like a Guy brand which includes a blog, podcasts and various social media platforms. (He says it like it is.)


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