Ep 48: Shifting the Spotlight: Talking to Men About Buying Fine Jewelry. (And Why I Started Buy Like a Guy)
Most men's day-to-day revolves around work, making money, hitting the gym, maybe managing fantasy football teams, getting ready for hunting season, or getting sweet tickets to the game. You know..."guy stuff."
Jewelry rarely makes its way onto your radar, and why would it? It's expensive and is mostly for women, right? That is until someone special comes along and steals your heart.
Somewhere along the way, when things are going well, and you become a "couple," you'll start to WANT to buy jewelry. You'll want to give something special, like jewelry, to that person who now occupies a significant place in your thoughts and your life.
That's when diamonds, jewelry, and tokens of affection start to matter. But it's uncharted territory for most guys. You've heard about it, but never really thought about it. You're probably reading this now because you've become that person who wants to get a ring or other fine jewelry.
The thing is, very few companies in the jewelry industry are speaking directly to men about how to buy jewelry. Nobody's discussing the quality/price trade-off, what's visually appealing, what she'll like, and what about your preferences? Does your opinion even matter? (It absolutely does, by the way, so don't be afraid to have one.)
Jewelry companies are in a frenzy to capture women's attention in their advertising and marketing efforts, and it's no wonder since most women adore jewelry. That's why you don't see many men in those ads anymore.
But guys are often the one's buying this jewelry to express their feelings to that special person, and maybe it leads to those intimate moments you're shooting for. (By the way, no guarantees that a diamond necklace will get you there, but it certainly tips the odds in your favor.)
Women are buying fine jewelry for themselves in increasing numbers, and I'm all for it, but the meaning behind it is normally different than yours. When a woman buys jewelry it could be for "empowerment," to feel a part of a "tribe," to "express her style," and all those other ubiquitous phrases we see so often.
What I'm seeing in the ads and marketing initiatives of late, is that our industry is neglecting the men who need guidance on buying jewelry to fully express their emotions (or improve their chances). Maybe they think we're clueless, but we care a lot when it matters.
At first glance, it might seem like all guys care about is the cost. (As if that makes us different from everyone else.) Or that we don't understand the true essence of jewelry. But that's just not true. That's why I started this podcast.
I know that walking into a jewelry store can be uncomfortable. It feels foreign and feminine. You're well-versed in pipes, wires, trucks, weights, bourbons, sports, and escaping the 9-5, but you're clueless when it comes to precious metals and diamonds. Well, maybe not entirely clueless; you know it's expensive, and you're going to give it away.
But here's the kicker: men want to find the perfect ring or fine jewelry piece to present to the one they love...because we innately get what that says and does for them.
We're natural hunters, and the quest for the "right" piece of jewelry is a challenge we're willing to undertake, even if it means our wallets are a bit lighter. Because the reward is worth it.
My mantra is "show don't tell," and that's what I've committed my life to – communication in physical form; or fine jewelry. Is it the most masculine of endeavors? Well, that's up for debate, but people like me and other independent jewelers are here to help guys like you navigate these uncharted waters of the jewelry world and move forward with your dreams.
So, while most guys might not care about jewelry every day, when the time comes for YOU to care, you've got the "Buy Like a Guy" podcast, and a network of independent jewelers worldwide who've got your back.
If you'd like help finding a jeweler closer to home, email me at andy@buylikeaguy.com and I'll do my best to put you in touch with some of the best jewelers on earth.
Music credits: Preacher Man by Miles Neilson and The Rusted Hearts, used with permission. A killer band with original songs that get stuck in your head. They're awesome.
Listen To Preacher Man on Spotify.
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